Please join our Sponsored Symposium at the Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS) Conference 


Scaling Up Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements (SQ-LNS) to prevent child malnutrition and save lives: evidence, opportunities, and future directions


Tuesday, 21 November 2023

2:00 - 3:30pm

King Fahd Palace Hotel, Room B001


Improved strategies are needed to scale-up micronutrient interventions for young children in the most effective and cost-efficient way.  Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) were designed for the prevention of malnutrition among children 6-23 months of age in settings where vulnerable populations are likely to have nutrient gaps in their diets and multiple micronutrient deficiencies.  Given strong evidence of effectiveness for reducing mortality, wasting, stunting, anemia, and developmental delay, the SQ-LNS Task Force was recently formed to catalyze efforts to scale-up SQ-LNS programs in nutritionally vulnerable settings.  This session will focus on practical issues related to the implementation and scale-up of SQ-LNS interventions and future directions for implementation of SQ-LNS programs.


Moderator:    Shawn Baker, Helen Keller Int'l

2:00-2:05pm    Opening remarks
                          Shawn Baker, Helen Keller Int'l

2:05-2:20pm    SQ-LNS for the prevention of child undernutrition and mortality: synthesis of the evidence and updates from the SQ-LNS Task Force 
                          Seth Adu-Afarwuah, University of Ghana

2:20-2:35pm    Integration of SQ-LNS into screening and treatment programs for wasting: synthesis of results from the PROMIS and IRAM trials        
                          Elodie Becquey, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

2:35-2:50pm    Cost and cost-effectiveness of programs providing SQ-LNS for the prevention of child undernutrition                                                 
                          Kevin Phelan, The Alliance for Medical Action (ALIMA)

2:50-3:25pm    Roundtable discussion and Q&A: Future directions for implementation of SQ-LNS programs

                          Moderator: Aminata Diop Ndoye, National Nutrition Development Council (CNDN), Senegal

                          Discussants: Dr. Oumarou Maidadji, ALIMA

                                                Tanimoune Mahamadou, World Food Programme West and Central Africa Regional Office

                                                Maguette Beye, Helen Keller Int'l

3:25-3:30pm    Closing

                          Shawn Baker, Helen Keller Int'l