Start here: Key Resources
Key scientific evidence related to SQ-LNS:
- New! The impact of home-installed growth charts and SQ-LNS on child growth in Zambia: a four-arm parallel open-label cluster randomised controlled trial
- New! Effects of prenatal SQ-LNS on pregnancy, birth and infant outcomes
- Sustained effects of SQ-LNS during first 1000 days on child growth at 9-11 y in Ghana
- LNS for prevention of child undernutrition: when less may be more
- Benefits of SQ-LNS for child nutrition and survival warrant moving to scale
- SQ-LNS for the prevention of child malnutrition and promotion of healthy development
- LNS and all-cause mortality in children 6-24 months of age
- Preventive SQ-LNS reduces severe stunting and severe wasting among young children
Resources developed by the SQ-LNS Task Force:
- New! SQ-LNS Operational Guidance document (Version 1)
- New! Information Brief on SQ-LNS in 2023 WHO Guidelines
- SQ-LNS Policy Brief
- SQ-LNS Technical Brief on Costs and Cost-effectiveness
Other resources for introducing SQ-LNS in countries:
- USAID Advancing Nutrition webinar: Programming SQ-LNS: Lessons Learned and Tools to Strengthen Implementation
- World Bank's policy note: Recommendations for SQ-LNS interventions in the Sahel Region
- UNICEF brief guidance note: Small supplements for the prevention of malnutrition in early childhood
- USAID technical brief: Lipid-based nutrient supplements: evidence and program guidance
This resource library contains recent publications, guidance, and other information related to SQ-LNS. They are listed below by publication date. Use the filters on the right to find specific resources.