As a result of a convening in May 2022 to focus on the operational aspects of scaling-up small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS), the SQ-LNS Task Force was formed to establish a road map prioritizing next steps for the following 1-2 years. The SQ-LNS Task Force is comprised of a Steering Committee and the following five Working Groups to address key issues regarding the scaling-up of SQ-LNS. UC Davis is serving as the Coordinator of the SQ-LNS Task Force.

If you would like more information about the SQ-LNS Task Force, please contact us at


The SQ-LNS Task Force is comprised of membership from the following institutions: 

The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)

Columbia University

Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF)

Helen Keller Intl

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Results for Development (R4D)

Rockefeller Foundation

Sight and Life

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF ​​​​​​)​

University of California (Davis, San Francisco)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

World Bank Group

World Food Programme (WFP)


The SQ-LNS Task Force acknowledges the critical role that producers of SQ-LNS play in scaling-up the coverage of this important intervention. A long-term goal is open and transparent information-sharing with the entire community of SQ-LNS producers. In the meantime, to respect the Conflict of Interest policies of our partner organizations, individual producers are not represented on the SQ-LNS Task Force.

The Principles of Engagement for the SQ-LNS Task Force can be found here.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for guiding the direction of the SQ-LNS Task Force and determining the short-term and long-term priorities for scaling-up SQ-LNS. The committee also provides oversight and support for the activities of the five Working Groups.

The Steering Committee is composed of individuals from the following organizations:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)

Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF) 

Helen Keller Intl

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

University of California (Davis, San Francisco)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

World Bank Group

World Food Programme (WFP)


Additional information on the Steering Committee can be found here.

Advocacy Working Group

Chair: Grainne Moloney (UNICEF)

The primary objective for this working group is to develop an advocacy and communications strategy for scaling-up SQ-LNS, which will include the harmonization of terminology across product types/classes and communication of country case studies or example use cases. Considering the current landscape of nutrition products, the working group will make recommendations for how to position SQ-LNS, including options for integration/bundling of SQ-LNS with other products.

Cost and Cost-effectiveness Working Group

Co-Chairs: Emanuela Galasso (World Bank Group), Kathryn Dewey (UC Davis)

The primary objective of this working group is to develop a policy brief on cost, cost efficiency and cost-effectiveness of SQ-LNS based on evidence from at least four studies as described during the webinar on May 4, 2022. Additional activities of this working group may include developing guidance on methods for collection and documentation of cost-related data for similar studies.

Operational Guidance Working Group

Chair: Rolf Klemm (Helen Keller Intl)

The primary objective of this working group is to collate and further develop operational guidance to help decision-makers interested in implementing and/or scaling-up programs including SQ-LNS. The working group may consider creating: (1) a checklist of items that could be assessed by country-level stakeholders to aid in program design and (2) a matrix which gives different options for program design and targeting in a variety of different contexts based on items assessed in the country checklist.

Operational Research Working Group

Co-Chairs: Christine Stewart (UC Davis), Lieven Huybregts (IFPRI)

The primary objective for this working group is to identify priorities for operational research regarding the use of SQ-LNS across a variety of delivery platforms and community contexts. Considering the current available evidence, the working group will identify knowledge gaps and potential bottlenecks for scaling-up SQ-LNS and will develop a process for soliciting input from relevant programmatic and scientific experts to identify operational/implementation research questions and prioritize their importance.

Supply and Regulatory Issues Working Group

Co-Chairs: Jack Clift (ECF) and Alison Fleet (UNICEF)

The objective of this working group is to better understand how a secure supply of SQ-LNS product can be achieved, taking into account, for example, the expected demand projections, the current landscape for financing, and the manufacture and procurement of the broader suite of LNS products. This working group is also considering the advantages and disadvantages of applying for inclusion of SQ-LNS on the WHO Model Essential Medicines List (mEML).